I get that we’re all tired of restrictions and being cautious and that we want a normal holiday. That said Omicron is hitting the world like a bullet train. Here’s what you need to know:
1) Omicron’s “doubling time” is 2-3 days as opposed to 2-3 weeks for Delta. It looks to be less deadly but it’s very early days to know exactly how this thing will hit us other than it’s WAY FASTER than any strain of Covid before it. Given the already enormous strain from Delta you can expect our hospitals to be at breaking point again in January. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimberleespeakman/2021/12/21/omicron-variant-has-doubling-time-of-about-2-to-3-days-fauci-says/?sh=328690444fbd
2) CNN is shutting down its offices, the NHL is canceling games, Canada advises against nonessential travel outside of Canada and a partridge in a pear tree. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/cnn-offices-close-amid-covid-19-surge-1235065083/
3) Governments of the world have begun admitting what many doctors and scientists have been saying for a long time: Covid is airborne. That means ventilation/air circulation becomes more important and we’re all going to hear a lot more about N95 respirators in 2022. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/canada-covid-19-mask-guidance-1.6261032
4) Your previous two jabs are not as effective against Omicron as they were against Delta. A booster is now available to Albertans over the age of 18 that got their second jab 5 months ago or longer. A booster doesn’t really “kick in” until the first week or so and isn’t at full power until week 2. https://globalnews.ca/news/8466128/alberta-expands-covid-19-vaccine-booster-eligibility-18-older/
5) The Alberta government said repeatedly “it’s critical” that you cut your person-to-person interactions by half but have implemented no rules/regs.
6) Rapid test packs are being made available to Canadians for free but being in the right place at the right time might be one of the big challenges for the 2021 holiday season. There also remains a question as to efficacy/accuracy so safest bet remains limiting your in-person visits until we know where we stand with this variant. If you're showing symptoms you need a proper test.
7) Any time you’d like to catch up with where the world’s at on this new strain, why not check in with the National? Daily episodes are available to all for free via Youtube an hour or so after they broadcast. Here’s last night’s: https://youtu.be/FdY7XpraVeo
We’re all tired of being cautious. So am I. I hate it. But one thing you can count on is if you haven’t got Covid yet, this really feels like the wave where you’ll get it if you’re not careful.