(co-authored by G-Ham, with help from Johnny Povatch, Escalator Boy, Cloots, The General, Mick D, Snell Sells, the Duncaroo, Mama Jo, Monsieur de Scharf, DJ Awesome, the Legendary Danny Nix, Actionman Adam and others. Shoutout to the 'Juicy Memes With Flavor' Facebook page for posting the meme that kicked it all off)
The challenge:

The response: Over 2300 unique answers over almost 3 years now with over 23 contributors. SO FAR. This was a meme challenge that went too far and thanks to a few longtime smart-ass buddies absolutely refuses to die. UPDATE: We broke the internet or at least this blogsite. We got too big. Had to Bananarama Split it into 2 blogs. Parts 1 ( A to L ) can be found at this link.
M&M Mac & Cheese Davis
Macaroni James Dio Macaroon 5 Machine Gun Jelly
MachineGum Kelly
Macy Grape
Macy Gravy
Macy Grey Goose
Macy Greyhound
Macy Grey Poupon
Macy Whey
Madonair Madonut
Mad Seasoning Salt
Maestro Fresh Watercress
Maestro Fresh Western
Maestroganoff Fresh Wes
Mai Tai Morning Jacket
Maker’s Mark Knopfler
Maker's Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
Malibu-tsy Collins
Malibu Rodeo Mamas and The Papa Burgers
The Mamas and the Papadams Mamas and the Papayas
Mamas and the Tapas
Mamas and the Tootsie Poppas
Manfred Manhattan
Manfred Naan Mango Boingo? Manic Street Peaches
Manu Chow Mein
Maple Habenero Bjork Steaks
Mariah Cherry
Marilyn GingerBreadManson
Marilyn Manwich
Marble Slab for Cutie
Marcy Playground Beef
MargaRita Coolidge
MargaRita MacNeil
Mariah Cherry
Mariah Dairy Mariah Sherry
Marlyn ManSunny D
Marilyn Moonshine Mark Chesnutts Roasting on an Open Fire
Marky Mark and the Funky Brunch
Marky Mark and the Funky Captain Crunch
Marky Mark and the Funky Crunch 'n Munch
Marky Mark and the Funky Hawaiian Punch
Marky Mark and the Funky Lunch
Marky Mark and the Funky Monkey's Lunch
MarmaLady Gaga
Marmalady Peace
Maroon 5 Star Whiskey
Maroon Chive
Maroon Five Alive
The Mars bar Volta
Marshmallow Mathers
Martha and the Muffintops
Martha and the Stovetop Stuffins
Martha Reeves and Vindaloos
Martika Masala
Martini McBride
Martini Tim
Martini Turner Marty Baskin Robbins Marvin Gaytorade
Marvin Mount Gay
Marvin Special Kaye
Marvin Whey
Marzipan Arden
Marzipan Halen
Mary Margarita O’Hara
Massive ADaiquiri
Massive ASnackPack
Massive A-tic-tac
Matcha Box 20
Matthew Streetmeat Matthew Sweet Chilli Sauce
Mathew Sweet and Low
Matthew Sweet and Sour Chickenballs
Matthew Sweet Potato Pie
Matthew Sweets
Matt BouillaBlais
Maxi Yeast
Maxwell House of Pain
Mazzy Star Anise
Mazzy Starburst
MC Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
McDonalds Summer
McDonna MC Hamburger
MC Hammerlot
MC Ham & Egger
Meal Diamond Meat and Potato Puppets
Meater Gabriel
MEATer Paul and Mary
Meaterhead Meatloaf
Meat Loverboy
Meat Seeger
Meat Townshend
Meaty Brickell and the New Bohemians
Medium Hot Chili Peppers
Me First and the Gimme Timmies Megadeth by Chocolate
Mel BOARme
Melissa Ethradicchio Mel Sorbe
Men At Jerky Men At Pork
Men at Wok
Mentos at work
Mentos Without Hats
Menudough Men with out Hamburgers Men Without Hot Pockets
Men without Manhattan’s
Men Without Saturated Fats
Merle Haggis
Merlot Fidelity All Sars
Merlot Haggard
Merlot Rider Band
Mesquite Elliott Metallicabernet Sauvignon
Metallik-M-aid Metallinguine
Method Naan
Michael BubLAYS
Michael Buble-mignon
Michael Bubly
Michael JackDaniel’s
Michael Molten Chocolate Cake
Michael Nuts and Bolten Micheal Sambal - She’s a maniac
Michelob Jackson
Mickey Minaj
Mick Jäger Bomb
Mick Jagermeister
Midnight Ale
Midnight Boilermaker
Midnight Crawfish Boil Midnight Olive Oil
Mighty Mighty Boss Cones
Mighty Mighty BossScones Mighty Mighty Bosstone Cream Donuts Mighty Mighty Sauce Tones
Mike and Ike and The Mechanics
Mike and Ike Turner
Mike’s Hard Ice-T
Mike’s Hard Lemon Ice Tea Party Milk and the Mechanics
The Millers
Miller Vanilli
Milli Vanilla
Milli Vanilla Cappucino Porter
Minced Meat Puppets Mince Veal
Mini Jello Pudding Pops
Mint Jewelep Mintley Crüe
Mitstew Mitsoup
Mobb Deep Dish Modern English Toffee
Modest Mousse
Mojitoni Braxton
Molson Dryan Adams
Molson ExPortishead
Molson Golden Earring
Molsons of Freedom MonKeyLimePies Monterey Jack White
Moody Blueberries
Moody Bleu Cheeses
Moody Blue Lagoon
Moody Booze
Moody Brews Moody Cordon Bleu’s
Moody Labatt Blues
Moons Over My Hammy Davis Jr
Mortadella Fitzgerald
Mortadella Soul
Morning Gloria Estefan
Moscow Mule Def
Motley Brew
Motley Chews Motley Croissant
Motley Crouton
Motley Crudités
Motley Cruller
Motley Screwdriver Motley Stew Motts Clamato Crüe
Mountain Doo Fighters
Mountain DU2
Mountain Foo Fighter
Mountain Who
Moxy FrootLoops
MozzarElla Fitzgerald
Mozzarella Styx
Mr Big Wreck
Mr. Fig
Mr. Mister Big
Mr Pig Mudhoney Nut Cheerios
MulligaTony Bennett
MulligaToni Braxton
Mumford and Buns
Mumford and Molsons
My Bloody Mary Valentine
My Life With The Thrill Kill Colt 45
My Morning Potato Jacket
Naan Inch Nails
Nabobby Brown
Nabob Dylan
Nabob Marley & the Wailers
Nabob Seger Nacho Supremes
Nanaimo Barbra Streisand Nancy Sriracha Nappy Rootbeers
NASberry Jam Natalie Arugula Natalie Imbrugoulash
Natalie MerChantrelle
Nat Chicken ala King Cole
Nathaniel Rateliff and the Coors Lite Sweats Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweets
Nat King Crab Cole
Nat King Cold Beer
Nat King Coleslaw
Nat Wing Cole Naughty by Nature Valley Granola Bars
Negroni James Dio
Negroni Mitchell Neil Almond
Neil Egg Foo Yung Neil Young Duck and Crazy Horse Meat
Neil Yuengling
Nelly Cortado Nelly Fur Taco Nelly Potado
Nena Colada
New Bjork Fries
New Bjork Style Cheesecake
New Candy Cornographers
New CornDographers New England Clam Chowder Order New Kids on the Block of Cheese
New Kids On the Bok Choy
New Kids On the Broccoli
New Kids on the Cock
New Kids On The Coq au Vin
New Kids On The Mock Chicken
New Porter
New Sour Patch Kids on the Block Nick Cave and the Bad Seedless Oranges Nickel Baby Back Ribs
Nicki French 75
Nicki French Onion Soup
Nicki French Toast
Nicki Mirage
Nickleblack Beans
Night Banger
Nikki MiGnocci Nikki Sixx Pack Nina Samosa
Nine GINch Nails Nine Inch Kale Nine Inch Noodles
Nine Inch Rusty Nails Nine Inch Snails
NirHavana Nitty Gritty Dirt Bag Of Chips
Nitty Grits and Shrimp Band
Nitty Gritty Certs Band
Nitty Grits Dirt Band
Nitty Gritty Fruit Flan
Nori Doubt
The Northern Pies
No Doatmeal
Nori Hart
Northern Ike and Mikes
No Sprout
No Stout
No Trout
No Way Stout Notorious B.I.G Mac Notorious B.L.T
Notorious P.I.G.
Nude Kids on the Block
NUThole Surfers
NutMegadeth Nuts King Cole
Nutella Fitzgerald
The Nyrds
Oasis Fruit Fusion
OatMeal Diamond
Obie Tripe OffSpringrolls
Offspring Water Oh Henry Rollins Band
O-Jay Z
O.J. Geils Band
O'Keefe Richards
O'Keefe Sweat
O’Keefe Urban
Old Dirty Martini Bastard
Old Dirty Mustard
Old Dirty Pasta
Old Jerky Bastard
Old No. 7 Mary Three
Olive Newton John
Olivia Fig Newton John
Olivia Newton Bon Bon
Olivia Newton Prawn
Onion Ring Crosby
On the Rocks Voisine
Orange Crush Test Dummies
Orange Jueliuz Santana
Orange Julius Iglesias
Orange Michael
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark “N” Stormy
Orchestral Hors d'oeuvres in the Dark
Oregano Doubt Oreo Speedwagon
Original 6Teenaged Fanclub
Orzo Osbourne Otis Pudding
Otis Reddi-Wip
Our Lady Peach Our Lady Peas Our Lady Piece of Cake
Our Lady Pizza
Outfield Tomatoes
Ouzo Osbourne
Ozzy OsBEERn
Ozzy Sauceborne
P. M. Dom Perignon
P.M Prawn
Pabst Benatar
Paella Abdul
Palm Bay City Rollers
Palm Baythoven
Panko Jones
Panettone Loc
Papa Johns Cougar Mellancamp
Papa Poached Egg
Paprika Badu
Papa Roast
Paprika Martin
Paprika Roach
Paralyza Minnelli
Paris Stilton
Pat BenaSteakTartar Pat Benatartar Sauce
Pat Benatarragon
Pat Bennytar
Patron Benatar
Patty LaBellini Patty LaBellPepper
Patty LaBoulevardier Paul McCartney and BBQ Chicken Wings Paul McCarton of Apple Juice
Paul Salmon and Artichoke Garfunkel
Paul Sleeman and Stella Artois Garfunkel
Pavemint Julep
PBR.Kelley Peach Boys
Pea M Dawn
Peanut Brittle Richard
Peanut Butter and Jelly Roll
Pea Party
Pearl Clam
Pearl Lamb
Pearl French Toast Slam
Pearl Ham
Pearl Jam Sandwich
Pearl Jambalaya
Pearl Spam
Pearl Yam Pear Supply
Pecanye West
Pellegrino Day
Peppermint RATTy
Pepsi Maxi Priest
Peroni Braxton
Peroni James Dio
Perry Farro
Pesto Shop Boys
Peter CeTiramisu
Peter Ceteriyaki
Peter Gabrielbow Macaroni
Peter Gabrie
Peter Paul and Eclairy Peter Paul and Marinara
Peter Schilling Cod
Petit Four Non Blondes
Pet Shop Soys
Pet Yop Boys
Perry Ferrero Rocher
PHILadelphia Cream Cheese Collins
Phillip Baileys
Philly Cheesesteak Collins
Philosopher Burger Kings
Philosopher Rings
Philosopher Wings Phil Tom Collins
Phish Styx Phish Tacos
Pho Cocker
Pho Doubt
Phyllo Collins
Phyllo Green
Pie and the Family Stone
Pie n' Adams
Piggy Pop
Pike and the Mechanics
Pillsbury Doughboys
Pimm's Mitchell
Pina Colada Turner
Pinot Vinnelli
Pint Seeger and the Weavers
Pita Ford
Pita Frampton
Pita, Pollo & Rosemary
Pizza Paul and Mary Pho Collins
Pho Diddley Pho Fighters PHOlice
Pho-n Lovin' Criminals Pickleback
Pie Mother Earth Pike and Tina Turnover Pink Flambé
Pizza Sub-lime
Pita Gabriel Pit Bowl of Soup
PJ Arbys PJ Harvey’s
Plain White Cheese
Plain White SmartT’s Platinum Blonde Belgian Ale
Plum Loving Criminals
PM Bon Bon
Poblano Doubt
Po’ Boys to men
Pogo Dolls Pogo Styx
The Pointerrine Sisters
Poison Apple Punch
Poisonny D
Polar Vanilla Ice Vodka
Policorice Pollo Abdul
Pop Rocks and Hyde
Pork Belly Idol
Pork Chop Boys
Pork Chopin
Porkestral Maneuvers in the Dark Pork Floyd
Porky Pork and the Funky Bunch Porno for Gyros
Porridge Michael
PorterHouse of Pain
PORTney Love
Portugal. The Manwich.
Post Bologna Post Modern JuiceBox Post Provolone
PouTeenage Fanclub
Poutina Turner
Prawn Denver
Prawn Fogerty
Prawn Lennon
Prawn Jovi
Prawny Cash
Presidente of the United States of America President of the United Steaks of America
Presidents of the United States of LAMBerica
Primal Screech
Primus Rib Prince and the Revello’s
Prince and the Revolver
The ProCLAMmers
Prosciutto of Happiness
Prosecco and the Bunnymen
Psychedelic Curds
Psychedelic Fernets
Psychedelic Furrerro Rochers
Psychedelic Kirs
Psychedelic Stouffers
The Psychedelic Turrs
Public EneMeat Public Enemiso Soup
Puddle of Muddslide Puddles Peppermint Patty Party Puff Daddy Pastry’s
Puffed Wheat Daddy
Pulled Bjork Sandwich
Pumpernickelback Pumpkin Spice Latte Girls
PurFruit of Happiness
Pursuit of Happy Meals
Pursuit of Happynestle Crunch Pursuit of Hoppiness
Pursuit of Schnappiness
QUARTney Love
Queens of the Stone sausAGE
Quesadillas of the Stone Age
Quiet Ryet Quince
Quinoas of the Stone Age
R.E.M & M’s
The Raconturnips
Radiatori Head
Radiohead of lettuce
RaDishwalla Rage Against the Macaroni Rage Against the Mashed Potatoes
Ragù Goo Dolls
Rainbow Butt Chunky Monkeys
Rainbow Nut Monkeys
Rainbow Trout
Raisin Bran Nubian
Raisin Bran Van 3000
Ramen Without Hats
Rascal Flatts of beer
Raspberry J Blige
Ratatouille Armstrong
RATTatouille RATT Burger Ray Charleston Chew
Ray Parkay Jr.
Ray Parker Jr Burger Ray Porker Jr
Real McCoysters
Reba Big MacEntire
Redhead Snack Red Hot Chili Pepperoncinis
Red Hot Chili Pepper Steaks
Red Hot Chili Pepperonis
Red SHOTS Chili Peppers
Red Stryper
Red White Stripes
Reuben Harper
REO MeadWagon REO Speedwagon Wheels
Rhubarbra Streisand
Rhymes With Duck A l'Orange Rhymes With Orange Crush
Rhymes with Orange Julius
Rhymes With Orangina
Rhymes With Pekoe Orange Tea
Rice-a-roni Braxton
Rice-A-Roni Mitchell
Rice Cube
Rice Girls
Rice T
Richard Cheesedog
Richard Chili Cheese Fries
Rick Jameson
Ricky Kegs Ricky Martini
Ricky Mistletoe Martini
Ricky Mutton
Ricotta Astley
Rigatoni Braxton
Right Said Alfredo
Right Said Bread Right Said Shreddies Ringo Starburst
Ritz Enz
R. Kelloggs
Rob Basil and DJ E-Z Pop Rocks Rob Bass and DJ EZ Rack Of Lamb
Rob Bass and DJ Freezie Rock
Roberta Flask
Robert CROWNsend
Robert Eggplant
Robert Palmerganate Christmas Salad
Robert PalmBay Robert Plant Based Burger Robert Plantaine
Robert Planters Peanuts
Robert Planter's Punch
Roy OrbiSunny D
Roborscht Plant
Rob Roy Orbison
Rob Roy Zombie
Rock Band from Hellman’s
ROCK beef WELLington Rod BEEF STEWart Rod Stew
Rod Stewartichoke
Rod Stewart’s Roger Miller Lite
Roger Watermelon
Rolling Cones Rolling Scones Rolling Steakstones Rolling Stoned Wheat Thins Rolling Stoned Wheat Thins Rolling Stovetop Stuffings
RomanTic Tacs
Ronnie James Dill
Ronnie James Milo
Ronnie Jameson Dio
Ronnie Millersap
Rosemary Connick Jr
Rosemary J Blige
Rosemary Lee Lewis
Roti McNeil Roy OrBISON
Roy OrbiSunnysideUp
Ruffles Trade
Rum 41
Rum Ball and Oates
The Rumbrandts
Rumford and Sons
Run D.M.C-plus Run DMSeabass
Run DMSunnyD
Rushian Dressing
Rusty Nailor Swift
Rye and the Family Stone
Rye Antwoord
Rye Cooder
Rye Morning Jacket
Rye Mother Earth
Rye Orbison
Ryes Against
RYEte Stripes
Sage Against The Machine
Sage of Electric
Sailor Jerry Lee Lewis Saints & Dinners
Salami Davis Jr
Salami Hagar Salmon Davis Jr.
Salmon Hagar
Salmon Kinison
Salmon Roberts
Samantha Lox
Samantha Pop Rocks
SambuKatrina and the Waves
Sambuca Roberts Sam Cookie
Samosa Roberts
Sam the Raspberry Jam and the Pharaohs
Sammy Agar
Sammy Davis Junior Burger
Sammy Davis Junior Mints Sammy Haggis
Samuel Adams and the Ants
Samuel Adam Ant Sangria Twain
SANTAna Clausmopolitan
Sara Lee Lewis
Sardine Martin
Sausage Garden Saucy Sauceborne Sauerkrauted House Sausage Link Park
Sauza Vega
Schlitz Enz
Scone Jett and the Blackhearts Scone Temple Pilots
Scotch Bradlee's Postmodern Wine Box
Scotch Weiland
Seagrams Wildberry Kooler and the Gang
Seals and Craft Beer
Seals and Croft Dinner
Seared Albicore Yankovic
Sebastian Baklava
Sebastian Bocconcini
Sebastian Bok Choy
Seedless Grapes of Wrath
Semi Sweet Sonic
Sepultuna Sesame Kaiser bun Chiefs
Seven Mary Three Musketeers
Sexodus on the Beach
Sex on the Beach Boys Sex On The Beach Pistols
Sex Pistachios
Shagghee Shakey Gravy
Sha Na Naan
Sha Na Nogg
Shank Williams
ShaQuail O’Neal
Sherry Belafonte
Sheryl Croquette
Sheryl Crowsant
Sheryl Dough
Sheryl Pho
Shirley Temple of the Dog
Shirley Temple Pilots
Shish Kebab Seger
Shortbread Zeppelin
SHOThouse Flowers
Shreddie Grant
Shreddie Mercury Shreddie Money
Shreddie Rabbit Shrimp Brisket
Shrimp GumBo Didley
Shrimple Minds
Shi-take 5
The SideCars
Sid Licorice
Simon and GarChunkyMonkel
Simon and Steak Tartarefunkel Simon Le Bon Bon
Simple Flan Simple Plantain Simple Rinds
Simple Wines Simply Breadsticks
Simply Fed
Simply Red Eye
Simply Red Licorice
Simply Red Stripe Simply Red Velvet Sponge Cake Sinead O'CONEr "Nothing Compares to 2 Scoops"
Sinead O’Connori
Sinead Phoconnor Sir Fix-A-Lunch
Sir Twix-a-Lot
Six Pack Sabbath
Skid Churro
Skid Dough
Skid Roast
Skid Roe
Skid Rolo
Skid Romaine
Skid Sweet and Low
Skinny Pepper
Skippy Puppy
Skittle Richard
Skittle Row
Slash's Cake Pit
Slash's Shake and Bake Pit Slash’s Snake Pitaya
Sleeman Tyler
Sleeve Earle
Sleeve of Miller Band
Slice Cube
Slice T
Slick Bick's
Slim Jimi Hendrix
Slim Jim Morrision
Sloppy Joe Cocker
Sloppy Joe Jackson
Sloppy Joesie & the Pussycats
Slow Comfortable CRUE Against The Wall Slow Comfortable Screw Against The Wallflowers. Sly and the Family Stoned Wheat Thins
Sly and the Family T-Bone
Smarties Robbins Smashing Pumpernickels
Smashing Pumpkinder Surprise Smashing Pumpkin Pies
Smashing Pumpkin Spice Latte Smashing Pumpkin Tartlets
Smash VerMouth
The Smithwicks
Smoked Hammy Davis Jr
Smoked Hammy Hagar
Smokey Baskin-Robinson
Snack Street Boys
Sneaker Pimm's Snicker Pimps
Sniff ‘N’ the Beers
Snoop Doggy Nog
Snoop Grog
Snoop Hot Doggy Dog
Snoop Salty Dogg
Snow Cone Patrol
SNOWflake cookies
Snow Patron
Soft Celery Soft Shell Crab - Tainted Love
Soggy Bottom Almond Joys
Sole Asylum
Sonic Goose
Sonic Juice
Sonic Vermouth Sonny & Cher-ios Sophie B. Hot Crossed Buns
Sophie Pea Hawkins
Sophie Tea Hawkens Soul AsyLAMB
Soul Coffee'ng
Sound Hoegaarden Soup Doggy Dogg
Soup Du Journey
Sour Creed and Onion
Sour Doughboys
Sour Lady Peace
Sous Vide Sweet & Spicy Bjork Belly
Southern Comfort Culture On the Skids Southern Culture On The Skittles
Soy George Soy Orbison
Spaghetti Lee
SpaghettiOld Dirty Bastard
Spam Halen
Spammstein Spammy Hagar
Spam Roberts Band
Spanakopita Ballet
Spandau Balut
Sparkling White Wine Inch Nails
Special K.d Lang
Special K-os
Spelt Endz
Spice Cube
Spiced Rum Girls
Spicy Bjork and Mustard Green Soup
Spinach Doctors
Spinal Frappe
Spinal Tab
Spinal Tabbouleh
Spinal Tapas
Spinal Tapioca
Spinal Tapenade
Spinal Tabasco
Spin Doctor Peppers
Spirit of the Breast Spirit of the Worcestershire Spirit of the Wurst
Spirits of the West
Split Endives
Sprite Said Fred
Sprite Yoakam Sprite of the West
Spitz Ends
Spumoni Bennett
Spumoni Braxton
Squab Zombie
Squid Ink-182
Starbuck Owens Steamed Mussel Bitches
Steamy Ray Prawn
Steelers Cheese Wheel
Steeler's Veal
Steeler's Meal
Steely Bran
Steely Cran
Stella Mozartois
Steve Earle Grey
Steve Miller Genuine Draft
Steve Mille-feuille Band
Steve Sherry
Stevia Ray Vaughn
Stevia Winwood
Stevie Ray Vachon
Stevie Twix
Stevie Tanqueray Vaughan
Steve WinWoodford Reserve
Stevie Bick’s
Stevie Wonderbar Stevie Wonderbread
Stew Kids on the Block
Stew Order
Stew Pornographers Stohli Dan
Stolichnaya Twain
Stompin’ Tom Collins
Stoned Wheat Thin Lizzy
Stone Temple Pikelets (look it up) Stone Temple Pizzas
Stone Tempura Pilots
Stone Rosemary’s
StoutKast Stoutsidaz
StrawBarry Manilow
Strawberry Jammstein
Stray Catfish
Stray Kitkats
Strongbowney M
Strongbow Diddley
Stubby Checker Sublime and Coconut Bars
Subwaylon Jennings
Succotash Test Dummies
Sudsy Holly
Sugar Whey
Suicidal Tenderloins
SuiCIDER Tendencies Sum-40 oz
Sunny D and Ferrero RoCher
Sunny Deee -Lite
Sunny DMX Super Big Gulp Tramp Super Fries Tramp
Suppertramp SuPremium Pluses Suzanne Vegan Butter
Suzi kumQuatro
SweeTart Garfunkle
Sweet Baby Ray Charles
Syrah McLachlan
System of a Crown
System of the Pineapple Upside Down Sponge Cake
Taco Bell Biv DeVoe
Taco Belly Idol
Taffy Wynette
Take 5 Guys
Tal BachMandarin
tALEor swift
Talking Crystal Heads
Talking Fiddleheads Talking Heads of Lettuce
Talk Talka
Talking MooseHeads
Tall Boy George
Tall Boyz 11 Men Tamales Davis
Tame Impaella
Tandoori Hart
Tang Chung
Tanqueray Charles
Tanqueray Gin Blossoms
TanqueRay Parker Jr
Taylor Danish
Taylor JIFt
Taylor Swiss
T-Boney M
T-Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Tea Aaron
Tears for Beers
Tears for Fearless Uncured Beef Franks
Tears for Steers Ted Chicken Nugget
Ted Nougat
Teddy PenderLemongrass
Teddy PenderFoieGras
Teddy Pendergrass fed burgers
Teenage Fan Club Sandwich
Tegan and Sarasoda
Tempeh of the Dog Temple of the Hot Dog
Temple of the Nog
Temple of the Salty Dog
Tempura of the Dog TempTaterTots
Tenacious Ghee
Tenacious Pea
Tenacious Sunny D
Tenacious Tea
TequiLa Toya Jackson Terence Trent Barbecue Terrence Trent Arby’s
Terence Trent Harveys
Terence Trout Darby
Tex MExodus
Tex-Mex Pistols The Baste Boys! The Real Slim Fast
Them Cooked Vultures
Theory of a Dead Clam
Theory of a Dead Ham
Theory of a Dead Jam
Theory of a Dead Lamb
Theory of a Dead Spam
Theory of a Dead Yam
They Marmite Be Giants
They Might Be Green Giants
They Vegemite Be Giants
Thin Crust Lizzy
Third Rye Blind
Thompson Twinkies Thompson Twin Sugar
The Thompson Twizzlers
Third Rib Eye Blind
Third Sokeye Blind
Thompson Twinings
Thompson Twix Three Days Grape
Three Day Old Donuts Grace
Three Days Gravy
Three French Hens at Work Three Hot Dog Night
Three MuskeTears For Fears
Three Nogg Night
Three S'mores Dow
Thyme (the)
Tia Mariah Carey
Tiffany Mimosa
Tikka Turner
Timbuk 3 Musketeers
TimbukWheat 3
Tim Horton’s McGraw
Tim McGrog
Tim Tam McGraw
Tina Turnip
Tina Turnover
Tiny Tim Hortons
Tito’s Jackson Toad and the Wet Hot Pockets
Toad the Wet Sake
Toastface Killah
Toblerone Loc
Toby Alexander Keiths
Toby O'Keefe
Tomatillo Petty
Tomato Cochrane
Tomato Jones
Tom Cochranch Dressing
Tom Cocktail Tom Patty and the Heartbacons
Tom Petty and The Cinnamon Heartsbreakers Tom Petty and the Heartbreakfasts
Tom Petty and the HeartCakes Tommy Leek
Tom Spaghetti
Tom Wheats
Tom Yum Jones
Tone Coke
Tone Yolk
Tongue Loving Criminals Tonic Youth
Tony BenNUTS
Tony Eggs Bennett
Tony! Toni! Panet-Toné
Tooheys and the Mai Thai’s
Tootsie Hole
Tootsie Poppa Roach
Tootsie Pops and the Maytals
Tootsie ROLLing Stones
Tori Famous Amos
Tortellini Amos
Tragically Chips and Dip
Tragically Cool Whip
Tragically Hijiki
Tragically Hip Minute Steak Tragically Hops Tragically Hot and Sour Soup Tragically Sirloin Tip
Trans-Siberian Porkestra Travelling Blueberries Travelling Pilsbury's
Traveling Wilberries
Trick or Tahiti Treat
Tripeadelic Furs
Triple Sec Pistols
Trooperch Tubular Peppers
Tumerick James Tuna Melton John Tuna Turner Tupac Sugar
Tuborg Shakur
Turkish Deee-Lite
Turmeric Astley
Turmeric B & Rakim
Turmeric Clapton
T.V Dinner on the Radio
Twisted Spritzer
Twisted Tea Party
Twenty One Pies
Twisted Saucester
Twisted Sizzler
Twisted Tea Sister
Twixted Sister
Twizzler Sister
U2na Sandwich
U2 oz. shot
Ugly Kid Nacho
Ugly Kidney Bean Joe Ugly Kid Sloppy Joe
Ugly Squid Joe
Uncle Ben’s Folds Five
Uncle Ben’s Harper
Unsalted CRACKER
Urge Overdill
Vance Almond Joy
Van Halendaise sauce
Van Houtten
Van Kalen
Van MoriSunkistOranges Van Zant Jemima Vanilla Ice Cream
Vanilla Rice
Vanilla Slice
Veal Diamond
Veal Collins
Veal Young
Vegemitey Mighty Bosstones
VegetAriana Grande
Velveeta Revolver
Velveeta Underground Velvet UnderGroundBeef
Venison Williams Veruca Himalayan Sea Salt
Veruca Malt
Veruca Salt and Vinegar Chips
Veruca Salted Caramel Martini Village Peanuts
The Village PeoPULLED PORK
The Village PEAple
Vinaigretta Van Fleet
Vince Dill Vindaloo Diesel
Vindaloo Reed
Vinegarth Brooks
Vineyard Skynyrd
Vino Vannelli Violent Flans
Vodca Salt
Vodka and Orange Juice Jones
Vodkatrina and the Waves
Walk the Moonshine
Wang Chunky Beef Stew
Washboard Onion
WatermElla Fitzgerald
Wayne Fig Newton
Weiner Simone
Weird Ale Yankovic
Weird Alfredo Yankovic
Welch’s Grapes of Wrath
WHAM! and Eggs
WHAM! Sandwich
Wheat Thins Lizzy
Wheyolas - Fries of a Stranger
Whiskey Houston
Whitecake White Chocolate Stripes
White Loin
WhiteSake Whitesnack
White Zombie Brain Shot
White ZomBrie
Whitney Big League Chewston
Whitney Boozeton
Whitney Brewston
Whitney Houstongue
Wide Mouth Mason Jar of Pickled Eggs
Wild Ghee and the Spirit
Wild Tea and the Spirit
Will Granny Smith
William SHOTSner
Willie Nestlé
Wine Inch Nails
Wine Newton
Wing Crosby
Wings of Leon
Wolfgang Amadeus MotzAlaCarte
Wolfgang Amaretto Mozart
Won Ton Jovi
Won Ton Lennon
Worcestershire Babies Wu Tang Wu Tang Clams Wu Tang FLAN
Wu Tang Ham
Wu Tang Jam
Wu Tang Lamb
Wu Tang Spam
Wu Tang Yam
Wyclef Bean
X AmbassaDoritos
XTSeasoning Salt
Yam Halen
Yammy Hagar
Yam Roberts Band
Yeasty Boys
Yogurty Bastard
YOPa Roach
Young Cheesy
Young MSea Salt and Vinegar
Yo-yo gurt
Ziggy Starburst
ZinfanDel the Funky Homosapien
ZZ Hops
ZZ Pop
ZZ Pop Rocks
ZZ Stove Top
ZZ Tapas ZZ Tapioca Pudding
ZZ Toppables
ZZ Top Sirloin ZZ Yop
1664 Tops
1664 non Blancs
2 Live Brew
3 Coors Down
3 Doors Brownie 3 Doors Upside Down Cake
38 Special K
4 Beef Bourguignon Blondes 4 Naan Blondes
4 Non Blonde Ales
4 Sauvignon Blanc
54-Forty Creek 54-40 0z.
7 Slayer Dip