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Huey Lewis and the Nouvelle Cuisine - Part 1 ( A to L )

Writer's picture: The GentYYCThe GentYYC

Updated: Feb 12

(co-authored by G-Ham, with help from Johnny Povatch, Escalator Boy, Cloots, The General, Mick D, Snell Sells, the Duncaroo, Mama Jo, Monsieur de Scharf, DJ Awesome, the Legendary Danny Nix, Actionman Adam and others. Shoutout to the 'Juicy Memes With Flavor' Facebook page for posting the meme that kicked it all off)

The challenge:

The response: Over 2300 unique answers over almost 3 years now with over 23 contributors. SO FAR. This was a meme challenge that went too far and thanks to a few longtime smart-ass buddies absolutely refuses to die. UPDATE: We broke the internet or at least this blogsite. We got too big. Had to Bananarama Split it into 2 blogs. Part 2 ( M to Z ) can be found at this link.







Absinthe Elk





Ace of Basil Ace of Bass

Ace of Bouillabaisse

Ace of Cakeface

Ace of Case Of Beer


AC/RC Cola

Adam Ant Jemima

Adele Monte


Adobo Diddley

Aero Granny Smith Apples


AEROsmith Aerosmoothie

Aero Speedwagon

Aero Supply

A Foot in Coldwater Chestnuts After Eight Seconds






Alabama Milkshakes

Alabama Shake and Bake

Alabama Slammer


Alanis Anisette

Alanis Raisinette

Alan Jackson-Triggs

Alan Parfait Project

Alan Parsely Project

Alan Parsnips project

Alcohol and Oates

Alcoholly Parton


ALEan Jackson

Ale Green

ALEice Cooper

ALEice in Chains

ALEicia Keys

ALEison Krauss

Ale Jarreau

ALEnis Morissette

ALEor Swift

Alexander Keith Richards

Alexander Keiths Urban

Alice Coopecorino

 Alice Copper Ale

Alice GIN Chains

Alice in Canes

Alice in Champagnes

Alicia Old Milwaukees

Alicia Peas

Alicia TurKeys Al Green Eggs and Ham Al Greens Alice in Cheese

Alice in Chinese

Alicia KeyLime Pie Alicia Sour Keys

All American Slammy Davis Jr Almond Brothers

Almond Joy Division

Almond Joys To Men

AlphaBettes Midler


Alvin and the Chipsmunks

Amanda Marshmallow


Amy GRANT's Amy House Wine

Amy Winegums

Andrew W Cake

Ani DePanko

Animals Crackers

Anita Baked Alaska


Anita Bakers Dozen

Annon Lennox

Antonin Dvorak of Lamb

Apita Baker

Apple Jackson 5

April WIne and Cheese April Wine Butter Sauce April Wine Gums

Arcade Fireball Arcade Fire Brick Oven Pizza

Artic Chunky Monkeys

Aretha Frankfurter

Aretha FrankLimberger Cheese Aretha Franks Hot Sauce - she puts that shit on everything

Ariana Grande Cappuccino

The ArrowRoots

Artist Formerly Known As Mince

Artist Formerly Known As Mints Asian

A Simple Clam

A Simple Ham

A Simple Spam

A Tribe Called Quail

A Tribe Called Quesadillas

A Tripe Called Quest

Aubergine Pitney


Aunt Jamiroquai



B-52 Live Crew


B52pac Shakur


Babylon Zoodles

Babka Marley

Babka Seger

Babka Streisand

Babyback Rib Street Boys

Babybel Biv DeVoe



Bacardi Snider

Baccardi B

Bachman Turmeric Overdrive Bachman Tuna Over Chive

Back Beet Boys Back Street Meat Boys

Back Wheat Boys

Bacon City Rollers Bad Companinio

Badfinger Food

Bad Rumpany Bagels

Baking Powder Blues Band



Balogna M Baloney Mitchell

Balsamic Jagger

Bananas Foster the People

Bananarama Cream Pie

Bananarama Split


Banana Split Ends Bananaroma Tomatoes

Band of Horseradish

Banh Mi Jovi

Barbecue Streisand

Barbra PIEsand

Barbra RYEsand

Barbra StreiSANDWICH

Bare Caked Ladies Bare Naked Gravies Bare Naked Lady Fingers

Bake Naked Lemonadies

Bare Naked Wheaties

Bare Naked Wing Ladies Barley Simon

Barney Bentall and the Legendary Butter Tarts Barney Bentall and the Legendary Cinnamon Hearts

Barry White Claw

Bartells and Jaymes Brown

Basil Hayden

Bass Jordan

Bass Tiger Bay City Rolos

Bazooka Joe Cocker

Bazooka Joe Satriani

BB Chicken ala King

B.B King Crab

B.B Kung Pao

B.B. Wing

B.C Roll-ing Stones

Beach Boysenberries

Beam me up Scotty Weiland

Beana Simone

Bean Day

Bean Martin

Beans of the Stone Age

Beastie boy r d

Beastie Po’ Boys Beckfast in Bed


Becks Pistols



Beef Gees


Beef Naked

Beef Patti Labelle

Bee Ghee’s

Beer'd Al Yankovik

Beernaked Ladies

Beers for Fears


BeethOven roasted chicken



Bellini Carlisle Benny Kravitz

Bell Biv De Pho

Bel Biv DeSloppyJoe

Bell Biv De Sweet and Low

Bell Biv De Vol-Au-Vent

Ben and Jerry Lee Lewis

Ben E. Keg

Berry Belafonte

Berry Lee Lewis

Berry J Blige

Berry White

Beyond Meatloaf

Bif Naked Grape

Bif Naked Wings Big League ChU2

Big Mac Davis

Big Macklemore

Big Mac Sabbath

Big Popper

Big Raw Sugar

Big Red Hot Chili Peppers

Big Redman

Big Red or Alive

Big Rock

Big Sugar Free Dentyne

Big Sugar Plums Big Wrap Biggie Small Fries

Billie Relish

Billie Hollandaise

Billy Idough

Billy Jos Louis

Billy Oceanspray

Billy Ray Citrus

Billy Rice Krispie Squier

Biryani Adams

BiScotti Weiland Bisquick Jagger Bitesnake

Bitter Cetera

Bitter Frampton

Bitter Gabriel

Bitter Paul and Mary

Bitter Tosh

Bjork Carnitas


Bjork Loin with Cherry Vinaigrette

Bjork Medallions with Mushrooms

Bjork Ragu

Bjork Roast Bjorkshire Pudding

Bjork Scallopine with Fennel Salsa Verde

Bjork Shoulder with Pineapple and Sesame Broccoli

Bjork Spring Rolls

Bjork Tenderloin

Blackalicorice Black Cabbage

Black Cheese

Black Dos Equis

Black Eyed Peaches

Black Eyed Peanut Butters

Black Eyed Peanuts

Black Eyed Pecans

Black Eyed Scampi’s

Black Icehouse

Black Old MilwauKeys

Black Roes

Black Sour Keys

Black SouvlaKeys

Black WhisKeys

Bleu Cheese Oyster Cult Bleu Cheese Rodeo

Bleu Cheeses Traveler

Blind Melonballs Blind Watermelon

Blink Bun 82 Blood, Sweat & Beers Blood, Sweat and Teardrop Chocolate Cherry Mousse Cups

Blood, Sweat and 3 Musketeers

Bloody Mary J. Bilge

BlueBarry White

Blue Lagoon 5

Blue Oyster Colt 45 Blue RodeOreos

Blue Roreo Blue Shucked Oyster Cult Blue Swedish Meatballs

Bob and Jugs McKenzie Bob Barley Bobby Brown Beans Bobby Brown Bread

Bobby Crown

Bobby Honey Brown Bobby WoMacintosh

Bob Seagram

Body Count Chocula

Bog Seger and the NutriBullet Band

Bok Choy George

Bok Choy Orbison

Bombay City Rollers Bon Anchovi

Bon-Bon Iver

Bon Bon Scott

Bone Jugs and Harmony

Bone Thugs and Hominy

Boney M&Ms

Bon Goji Bon Joveal Parmigiana

Bonkers Jovi

Bon Scotch

Boom Sauce

Booster Juice Newton Boot HP Sauce


Booze Hornsby and the Range Booze Springsteen

Booze Traveller


Boston Can of Pops Boston Cream Donut Boston Cream Pie Boston Pizza

Boston Poppers

Boston Popsicles

Boston PopTarts

Bourbon Iver

Bourbon Jovi

Boxcar Chilli

BOXty (the)

Beastie Boysenberry Jams

Boyz II Mentos

Boys II Mints

Boyz ll RaMen


Bran Adams

Brandy Travis Bran Flakes 3000


Bran Van 3000 Island Dressing

Bread Durst

Bread Kennedy’s

Bread or Alive Bread Sheeran Bread Zeppelin

Brews Traveller

BREWtsy Collins

Brie Party Brine Adams Britney Beers

Britney Speared Pears.

Britney Spearmint

Brockmans Turner Overdrive

Broken Sociables Scene

Bronski Beet

Bronski Meat

Bronski Wheat

Brooks and Bun Brooks and Donuts

Brooks and Dungeness Crab

Brooks and Well Done

Bruce Hornitos and the Range

Bruce Hornsby and the Free Range Chickens

Bruce Springreens Bruce SpringsTEEN Burger

Bruce Springsteeped Tea

Bruce StringBeans Bruce Stringcheese Bruno Mars Bar

Bruno Marsala

Bruno Marshmallows

Bruno Marzipan

Bruschetta Springsteen

Bryan Adam’s Peanut Butter

Bryan Samuel Adams


Bucatini Cherry

Bûche de Noël Gallagher

Buddy Alcoholly

Buddy Burger Holly Buddy Hollandaise

Buddy Lolly

Bud Religion

Budweiser Holly


BuffaDough Springfield

Buffalo Springroll

Buffalo Tracey Chapman

Buena Vista Social Canadian Club

Buena Vista Social Sub Buffalo Wings Springfield


Bun Loving Criminals Buns n Roses

Burl Chives

Burrito Coolidge

Burrito MacNeil

Burt BachaSnack

Burt Bacharack of Lamb


Busta Limes

Busta Rinds Busta Rye

Butterfinger Eleven

Butterscotch SunDre

ButterScotch Weiland Butthole Surf & Turfers Byolk



Cabernet Calloway

Cabernet SauvigNoDoubt

Cab Marshmalloway

Cacciatori Amos

Cadbury's Easter Creedence Clearwater Revival Eggs


Cakeface of Bass Calamari J Blige

California Raisin Brans

Camembert Bacharach

Camemburton Cummings

Canada Dry Cooder

Canadian Club Nouveau

Canadian Culture Club

Canapés Heat

Candlebox of Chocolates

Candy Canes Addiction

Candy Corno For Pyros

Candy Korn

Candy Snider

Candy Travis

Candy Worhols

Cane's Addiction

Canned Meat

Cannelloni Mitchell

Cappuccino Doubt

Captain Beyond Burger

Captain Crunch & Tennille

Captain High Liner Ritchie

Captain Morgan Wallen

Captain MorGUNS N' ROSES

Caramelissa Ethridge

Caraway Underwood


CaraMel B

CaraMel Tormé

Carlosberg Santana

Carlos Sultana

Carlsbert Bacharach

CarlsBYRDS Lite

The Carnitas

The Carpaccio’s


Carrot Styx

Carrot Underwood

Casserolling Stones

Catelli Stevens

Caven Dishwalla

Cayanne Murray

Celine Dijon

Celine ground beef Dion

Chai and the Family Stone


Chaka Con Carne

Chaka Congee

Chaka Daikon

Chaka Kahlua Chakalaka Khan

Chamomile T and the Spirit Chamomile Tea Party

Champagne's Addiction

Chance the Schnapper

Chanterelle Kreviazuk

Chardonnead O'Connor

ChardonNeneh Cherry

Chateauneuf du Papa Roach

Cheap ElecTrick Lemonade Cheap Tripe Cheap Triscuit

Cheap Trix

Cheddar Alive


CheeR.E.O Speedwagon

The Cheeses and Dairy Chain


Cheez-its Jones

Cheezy E

Chef BoyarDee Snider


Cherry Belafonte

Cherry Connick Jr

Cherry Garcia

Cherry Manilow

Cherry Underwood

Chew Rodeo

Chex Pistols Chicago Deep Dish Pizza

Chicago Deep Phish

Chicken ala Bing

Chicken ala King Crimson Chicken al a Kings of Leon

Chicken CacciaToriAmos

Chicken Cordon Bleus Brothers

Chicken Cordon Blue Man Group

Chicken Finger Eleven

Chickenny Loggins

Chicken Winger

Childfish Gambino

Childish Clambino

Childish GamVino

Childish Lambino

Childish Naanbino

Chili Idol

Chili Korn Carne

Chili Manilli

Chili Nelson


Chips Ahoys To Men

Chiquita Bananarama

Chowder House

Chubby Crackers Chris De Burger Chris De Ice Berg Lettuce Chris Kernal

Chris Peaches and Cream Cornell

Chrissie Heineken

Chrissie Heinze

Christina Angostura Christina Arugula Christopher Hot Cross Buns Chubby Checkered Belgian Waffles

Chubby Chex

Chuck Roast D

Chum Salmon Bawamba

Chutney Houston


Cindermozzarella sticks



Cinnabon Iver

Cinnabon Jovi

Cinnamon BArkells

Cinnamon Crumpet Shop Boys Cinnamon Styx

Cinnamon Toast and the Wet Rocket Salad Crunch

The Civil COORS

Clam Halen

Clam Jam


Clementina Turner

Clover Club

Club Nouvol-au-vent Cobb Deep

Cod Stewart

Coffee Crisp DeBurgh

Coffee Crisp Isaak

Coffee Crisp Cornell

Coffee Crispie Hines

Coffee Crispina Aquilera

Coffee Crisp Stapleton

Cognac West

Cokey Robinson Cold Cuts Play

Cold Plate

Cold Yoplait Colin Jamesons Collective Sole

Collective Soulfood Collective Soup

the Colt

ConCrepe Blonde

Confit Blonde

Conway Twinkie


The Coors

Coors Lite Yokum

Corb Lunch

Cordon Bleu Oyster Cult

Cordon Bleu Rodeo Corey Hard Boiled Egg

Corey Harp

Corey Hartichoke

Corey Harty Chunkie Soup

Corey Tart

Corona Hart


Corn on the Cob Seger

Corn on the Gob

Coriander Hart

Corrosion of Comfort Food Cottage Cheesus Jones

Cotton Candi and the Back Beets

Counting Crabs

Counting Corn

Counting Croissants


Cowboy Chunky Monkies Cowboy Junkfood

Cracker Jack Black

Cranberries Sauce

Cranberry Manilow Cranberry Orange Muffins

Cranbarry White

Crash Test Rummies Crash Test Dom Pérignon

Crash Test Dumplings

Crash Test Gummy Bears Crash Toast Dummies

CreamCream Cheese

Creedence Beerwater Revival

Creedence ClearWatermelon Revival

Creedence Clearwater Revegetable

Creedence EverClearwater revival

Crisco Isaak

Crispers Isaak

Crowded House Red

Crowded House Special

Crowded Hummus

CROWNes Van Zandt

Crispy Bjork Cutlets

Crosby, Dills, Nash & Young

Crosby Molasses, Stills and Hash

Crosby Stills Hash and Young Crosby, Stills, Nash and Egg Foo Young

Croutoni Braxton Crowded House Dressing


Crumbs and Roses

Crumpet Shop Boys CRUSH Crush Taste Dummies

Crystal ALE


Cuke Ellington Culture Club Sandwich

Cult 45

Cuppa Joe Cocker

Cuppa Joe Strummer

The Curd

Curd Eye Blind

Curds and Dre

Curry and Coconut Bjork Skewers

Curry Hart

Curry Underwood

Cutting Brew

Cyndi Gobstopper

Cyndi Lobster

Cyndi Whopper Cypress Dill


Daft Chunky Monkey

Daft Dunkel

Daft Drunk Jack Frosties

Daft Pork

Daft Pumpkin

Dairy Belafonte

Dairy Connick Jr

Dairy Lee Lewis

Dairy Manilow

Dairy Queen Latifah

Dairy Queens of the Stone Age

Dairy Queensryche

dAIRy Supply

Dairy White

Danny and The Junior Burgers

Darius Smucker’s

Date Bush

Dave BREWbeck Quartet

Dave Cashews Band

Dave Grolsch

Dave Gruel

Dave Mustardstain

David Bowiener

David Bow Tie Pasta

David Dillcox

David Gay Lea Roth David Lee Broth

David Leek Roth David Lee Rutabega

David Pea Roth

David Ravioli Roth

David Tea Roth

David WillBoxOfChocolates

David Wilcod

Days of the New England Clam Chowder

Dead or a Chive Dead or Aloaf Dean Martini

Death Cabbage for Cutie

Death Cab-Sauv for Cutie

Debbie Giblets

Debbie Gibson’s


Deep Bleu Cheese Something

Deep Blue RUMthing

Deep Fried Bruno Mars Bars

Deep (fried) Purple

Deep Fried Ice Creed

Deep Labatt's Blue Something Deep Purple Mangosteen

Deep Purple Haze

Dee Schneiders Def LepLARD

Def Sheppards Pie


Del Monte Crüe

Demi-glacé Lovato

Demi-glacé Tiger Dennis Learys

Dennys Kravitz

Dentyne Age Fanclub

Depeach Mode Depeche ala Mode

Depeche Rocky Road

Depeche Toad Legs

Derek and the Dominion Lagers Dexys Midnight Rum and Eggers

Diana Sauce

Dick Ale and His Del-Tones

Dick Kale & the Del-Tones


The Digital UnderGroundBeef

Dijona Summer

Dijon Bon Jovi

Dijon Cougar Mellencamp

Dijon Warwick

Dill Collins

Dilly Ocean Dim Sum 41

Dim Sum Loving Criminals

Dim Sum Mitchell

Dinosaur Junior Mints

Dinosourdough Jr

Dinosour Patch Kid Jr

Dire Dates

Dire Grapes

Dire Steaks Dire Straight Cut Fries

Disaronno James Dio

Disarronotorious B.I.G.

Disposable Heroes of Hiphop Crispy Deep Fried Jalapeño Poppers

Dixie Chex Dixie Chicken

The Dixie Chicklets Dixie Chickpeas

Dixie Twix

DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Junior Mints DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Pringles

DJ Shadough


DMXtra Pickles

Dobie Gray Poupon

Dolly Patron

Donair Henley

Donair Supply

Donairy Connick Jr Donburi Henley

Don Hennessy

Don Julio Iglesias

Don McCain Superfries Donna Summer Sausage Doobie BROTHers


DoRito MacNeal

Doug and the Jugs Doug and the Mugs Rootbeer

Draft Punk

Drake’s Yankee Doodles

Dr. Hookkien Noodles

Dre old Donuts


Drink Floyd Drive By Smuckers


Dry Martini Shaken Not Staind


Duck Owens

Duff Daddy

Duck Wellington

Dunkel Cracker Duran DuWrap

Duran Durban Chicken Curry Durian Durian

Duran Durpan-Fried Potatoes Dwight Yolk and Ham



Eagle Eye Maraschino Cherry

Eagle Eye Cherry Sour

Eagle Eye Sherry

Eartha KitKat

Earth, Wind & Bombay Sapphire

Earth Wind and Fireball Earth, Wind and Fire Roasted Tomatoes

Echo and The BunnyMentos Echo and the Bunny Rabbit Ballotines

Echo and the Chocolate Bunny Men

Echo and the Honeymen

Eclair Naked Ladies

Eclairy J Blige Eclair Supply

Eddie Cheddar

Eddie Grant’s Eddie Honey

Eddie Murphyllo

Eddie Vesper

Edie Brickell and the Brew Bohemians

Edie Brickell and the Labatts Blue Bohemians

Edie Brickell and the Mountain Dew Bohemians

Edie Brickell and the New Strongbowhemians Edie Brickell and the New York Style Cheese Cake Bohemians

Edie Brickell and the Stew Bohemians

Edie BricKellogg’s and New Bo-Premium Pluses

Edie Pickle and the New Bohemians

Edamame Sheeran

E.D Smiths

Edward Carp and the Magnetic Coke Zeros Edward Sharp Cheddar and the Magnetic Zero Chocolate Bars


Egg Foo Young MC

Egg Fu Yung Loving Criminals

Eggles Eggo and the Bunnymanwich

Eggo -Go’s

Eggs and Draken

Eggs Ben E. King

Eggs Benny Benassi

Eggs Benny Kravitz

Eggs Benny Rogers

Eggs Benny Wayne Shephard

Eggs Florentina Turner

Eggs Florentine and the Machine

Egg Sheeran Eggstreme

El DeBorscht Electric Bud Lite Orchestra

Electric Light Okrastra Electric Light Orchestrawberries

Electric Light Porkestra Ella FitzJerky

Ella Fusilli

Elton Bon Bon

Elton Flan

Elton Long John

Elvis Parsley Elton Prawn

Elvis Pretzel Elvis CosJello Elvis CoStella Emerson Lake & Pomegranates

Empanada of the Sun

Empire of the Tequila Sunrise

En Cuervogue

Eric Lipton

EscarGoGos Eurythmacaroons EurythMcChicken’s

Eurythmixed Drinks


Everything but the Girl Guide Cookies

Everything But The Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Everything but the Swirl Everything Pork Butt The Girl Exotic


Faith Dill

Faith No Coors

Faith No Eat-More

Faith No Porridge

Faith No S'mores

Fajita MacNeil

Falafel Kings

Falafel No More

Fall Stout Boy

Faster Pussycatsup

Faster Pussy Catelli Fatboy Slim Jim’s

Fat Jos Louis Fats Dominos

Feargal Sharky Fin Soup

Feargal Yorkie Feasty Joys (aka beastie boys)

Feist Krispies Felix Hurricane & the Southern Twizzlers

Fennelly Furtado

Fesenjan Arden

Feta Van Fleet


FEW kids on the block

FiddleHead Stones

Fig Country

Fig Wreck

Filet Collins

Filet O Phish

Fin Du Blondie

Fine Young Cannabis

FIne Young Cannibouillabaisse Fine Young CanniBowl of Soup Fine Young Cantaloupes Finger Food Eleven

Fiona Appetizer

Fiona Apple Cider Fiona Apple Fritter

Fiona Apple Jacks

Fiona Appletini

Fiona Appleton Estate

Fiona Snapple

FireBALL McCartney Fish

Fish and Brewis Springsteen

Fish Styx

Five Finger Death Christmas Punch

Five Finger Death Lunch

Five Finger Death Munchies

Fizz Markie

Flaming Dips

Flaming Liptons

Flaming Sambuca Lips

Flana Del Rey

Flan Arden Flan Halen

Flank Sinatra

Flan Morrison

FlapJack Johnson

Flap Jackson 5

Fleetwood Big Mac

Fleetwood Espresso Macchiato

Fleetwood Jack Fleetwood Mac and Cheese

Fleetwood Macadamia

Fleetwood Mackerel

Fizz Gillespie

Flock of Seagrams

Florentine and the Machine

Flute of the Conchords

Fondue Ballet

Fontina Turner

Foocaccia Fighters

Food Colouring me Badd Food fighters! Foodgies

Foo Fry-ters

Foo Sliders


Foster's Pussycat

Foster’s the People

Four Non Bundts

Four Shock Tops

Four Toppings

Four Yops

Frangelicollective Soul

Frangipane Ferdinand

Franken Berry Sinatra

Frankfurter goes to Hollywood

Frankfurter Sinatra Frankfurter Zappa

Frankie Valley and the Four Seasonals

Frank’s Goes To Hollywood

Frank SharkFinatra

Frank Sriracha

Frank's Sinatra

Frank's Zappa

Frank Zacapa

Frank Zuppa Toscan

Franz Ferdinaan

Franz Ferdinando’s Chicken

Freddie Mercurry

Fred Wurst

Free Run-D.M.C

Freezie E

Fried Egg SandWatchmen

Frito Macneal


FromAGE Of Electric

Froot Loop Doggy Dog


Frosted Flakor Flav


Frozen Concentrated Ojays Frozen Ghost Pepper

Frozen Roast

Frozen Toast


Fruitcy Collins

Fruit Doggy Dog


Fruity and the Blowfish


Fufu Fighters


Fujis Fun Loving Cinnamon Rolls

Fun Loving CLAMinals

Funyuns lovin’ Criminals

Fun Lovin' Crimini


Gang Starrburst

Garlic Brooks

Garlic Ginger Glazed Sticky Bjork

Genuine Draft Punk George Clinton and the Parliament-Dunkindelic Donuts

George Jones Soda

George Strait Cut Fries George Thorogood and the Destrogranoffs

George ThoroGoodies and the DeStrawberries

George Thorogouda

Georgia Seattle Lites

Ghee Snider

Gin and Juice Newton

Gin and TechnoTonic

Gin and Tonic Blossoms

Gin and Tonic Youth


GINdia Airie

Gindigo Girls

Ginger Beer Spice

Gingerbread House of Pain

GingerBready Mercury

GingerBred Zeppelin

Gin Lizzy

GINner Circle

Gino Vanilla

Gino Vermicelli

Gin Rickey Martin

Gins and Roses

GINsane Clown Posse


Ginseng Crosby

Gin Smash Mouth


Gladys Bite and the Chips

Gladys Knight and the Dips Gladys Knight & the Pop Rocks Gladys knight and the Peach Pips

Glass Tiger Prawns

Glass Tiger Stripe Ice Cream

Glenfiddich Frey Glen French Frey

Glen Fried Egg Sandwich

GlennfidDick Dale and his Del-Tones

Glen Stir Frey Gloria Estefan and the Moons Over My Hammy Sound Machine

Gloria EstaPanagos

Gloria Gaynorade Gnarls Buckley’s

Gnarls Cinnamon Barkley





Godsnackpack Good Shallot

Goo Goo Dahl

Goo Goulash Dolls

Gogol Borschtdello

Golden Herring

Gordon Coors Lightfoot

Gordon Crystal Lightfoot Gordon Light Foot Long Hot Dog

Gordon’s Lightfoot

Gordon Lightfruit

Gorillazparagus Gov’t Muesli

Grace Cones

Grace Jones Soda


Grand Funk Ale Road

Grand Funk Rocky Road

Grand Marnier Funk Railroad

Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five Guys Burger

Grandmaster Flash and the McFlurry-ous Five

Grant's The Rapper

Grapefruits of Wrath

Grapefruit Dead

Grapenuts Of Wrath Grapes Big Sea

Grapes of Candy Cane Wreath

Grapes of Wraps Grateful Bread

Grateful Shreddies Gravy's?

Great Big Caeser Great Big Caesar Salad

Great Big Hennessy

Great Big Pea

Great Big C Plus

Great Big Laura Secord

Great Big Sea Bass

Great Big Sea Salt

Great Big Seagram

Great Big Tea

Great Pig Sea

Great White Claw

Great White Mocha

Great White Russian

Green Beer Day

GREEN Birth DAY Cake Green Dates Green Day & Ham Green Day and Hams

Green Eggs and WHAM! Green Leaf Lettuce Day

Green PayDay

Greens Day Green Whey

Greta Van Meat

Guess Hooch

Guess Roux

Guinessa Williams

Guinnessis Gum 41

Gumbo Diddley

Gum Loving Criminals

Gummy Bear McCreary

Gummy Bear Naked Ladies

Guns and Rolos

Gums and Roses

Guns and Tootsie Rollses

Guns ‘N’ Four Roses Guns & Rosé

Guns and Rosebuds

Guns and Rosemary

Guns N Rosita

Guns and Roti

Guns and Sloppy Joeses




Hailey Reinhardboiledegg Half Moon Bun Halls and Oatmeal


Hammy Davis Jr

Hammy Hagar

Ham Roberts Band

Happy Planet Jackson


Harold Melvin and the Labatts Blue Notes Harry Belafondue

Harry Cognac Jr

Harry Connick Junior Mints

Harry Tonic Jr

Hash Mouth

Havana Halen



HeineCanned Heat

Heinekannonball Adderley

HeineKenny Chesney

HeineKenny G

HeineKenny Loggins

HeineKenny Rogers

Heinekenny Wayne Shepherd

HeineKendrick Lamar

Heinekenye West

Heinz Inch Nails




Henry Green Bean CasseRollins

Henry Rolling Rock

Henry Rollins Bran

Hens Without Hats

Herb ALEbert and the Tijuana Brass Band

Herbal Tea Hancock Herbed Chicken Handcock

Herbie HanMockChicken

Herbie Hencock Hershey’s KISS

Hickory Hart

Hickory Styx

Ho Ho’s

Hole Wheat

Hollandaise of the New

Home Brewce Cockburn

Home Brewce Hornsby and the Range

Home Brewce Springsteen

Honey and Cher Honey Bee Gees

Honey Bunches of Hall & Oats

Honey City Maniacs

Honey Comb Sweet

Honey Glazed WHAM!

Honey 1/2 Lune Moon Suite

Honeymoon Beet

Honeymoon Sweet and Low Honeymoon Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls

Honeymoon SweeTarts Honeymoon Sweets

Honeymoon Sweet Potatoe Pie

Hooters and the Blowfish Hootie and the Blowfish and Chips

Hootie and the BlowPhish

Hootie and The Fried Fish Hot Dog and the Slugs

Hot Rod Stewart

Hot SHOT Heat

Hot Toddy By Nature

House of Cane

House of Champagne House of Pane Fresco

House of Panko House of Plain Bagels

House of Plantain

Hubba Bubby Brown

Hubba Bubby McFarin

Huey Lewis and the Booze

Huey Lewis and the Brews

Huey Lewis and The Chews

Huey Lewis and the JuJubes Huey Lewis and the Nouvelle Cuisine

Hull and Groats Human Big League Chew

Hurricanes Addiction


I can’t believe it’s not Better Than Ezra

I can’t believe it’s not Butthole Surfers


Ice Bouillon Cube

Ice Creamin' Jay Hawkins

Ice Cream Cone Thugs-n-Harmony

Ice Cuban

Ice-T-Bone Iced Tea

Ice TV Dinner

Idle Eyes of Round

Idle Fries

Iggy Corn Pops Iggy Popcorn

Iggy Pop Rocks

Iggy Poptarts Iggy Popsicle

Iggy Yop

ImaGin Dragons Imagine Dragon Fruit

Imagine Dragons Breath Cocktail

I Mother Earths Own Oat Milk

Insane Crown Posse

Interpolenta INXescargot


Irish Leftovers

Irish Loavers

Irish Turnovers

Iron ButterFry

Iron HomeMaden

Iron Mandarin

Iron Minute Maiden

Iron PeanutButterfly

Iron Raisin

Iron Sun-Maiden

Issac Lays

Ivy Gourd Downie Izzy Stradlin And The JuJube Hounds


J MiLo

Jack Black Bart

Jack Black Kraken Rum

Jack Daniel Lanois

Jack Johnsonville Brat Jackson Chive

Jackson Five Alive Jackson Five Layer Dip

Jager Bono

JagerMeister Mister Jagged Metallica Krusty-O’s

Jamaican Patty LaBelle Jam and the Rocketeers

Jam Arden Jamaroquinoa


Jameson Blunt

Jam Morrison

Jammy Davis Jr

Jam Roberts Band

Janes Additive

James Brown Beans James Brownie

James Bundt

James Crown Float

James Honey Brown

Jameson Brown

Jam Halen Jami Hendrix "The Wind Cries Marmalade"





Jammy Hagar

Janis Jambalaya

Janis Joplinguine

Jason Mrazberry JC Brooks and the Uptown Sour Cream and Onion Jefferson AEROplane Jefferson AirPlanters Peanuts

Jefferson Donairplane

Jefferson Eclairplane

Jefferson’s Airplane

Jefferson Starbucks Jefferson StarChips

Jeff MEALey Band

Jellold Dirty Bastard

Jelly Beana Simone

Jellybeans of the Stone Age

Jelly Clarkson

Jelly Furtado

Jelly Queens

Jennifer Cantaloupez

Jennifer Doughpez Jennifer LoPEZ

Jennifer Sweet and Lowpez

Jesus and Mary Cane Jesus and Mary Fast Food Chain

Jicamamas and the Pappus

Jif Healey

Jif Naked

Jimador Morrison

Jimarita Hendrix

Jimi Hendrick’s

Jimi Hentrix

Jimmy Buffet

Jimmy Buffettuccine Jimmy Chinese Buffet Jimmy Clif Bars Jimmy Cornish Hen-drix

Jimmy Hendritz

Jingle Juice Newton

J. Lohr


Joan Jett and the Blackberry Butter Tarts

Joan Jett and the Snackhearts

Joan Jett and the Hot Buttered Rumaways Joan Jett Popz and the Black Barts

Joe Betty Crocker

Joe Cobbler

Joe Rummer

Joe Strummer and the MescaleRosé

Johann Sebastian Bocconcini

Johann Sebastian Bok Choy

John Broccoli Hooker

John Fogertea

Joe Welch’s Jam John Cougar MellenCornOnTheCob

John Cougar Watermeloncamp

John Denver Omelette

John Denvirgin olive oil John Kale John Lemon

John London FOGerty John Oscar Mayer Weiner

John Spencer Bleu Cheeses Explosion

John Spencer Booze Explosion

John Spencer Brews Explosion

John Spencer Labatts Blues Explosion

Johnny Cashed Potatoes Johnny Cashew

Johnny Dash

Johnny Hash

Johnny Mash

Johnny SHOTten

Johnny Walker Cash

John Tea Hooker

John Yogurty

Jolly Rancher Parton

Jose Cuervold Dirty Bastard

Jose Cuervo 38 Especial

Jose CuervOtis Redding

Jose FeGalliano

Josie and the PussyKitKats Jos Louis Armstrong

Jos Louis Prima

Judas Feast

Judas Peas

Judas Primavera Judas Yeast

Juicy Fruit Newton

Jungle Juice Newton

Jurassic 5 Alive

Justin Beaver Tails

Justin BieBeer

Justin Keebler

Justin KinderEgg

Justin Timbercake

Justin TimberFlakes

Justin TimberShakeAndBake

Justin Timbiebs

Just Right Said Fred


Kahlouie Armstrong

Kaleor Swift


KALEy Minogue

Kamikazi Osbourne Kanye Wasabi

Kate Busch Katrina and the Wafers

KaTuna and the Waves

Katy Cherry Katy Perrier

KC and the Sunshine Bran

K.D Langoustine

K.D Tang


Keg Crimson

Kegs Of Leon

Kellogg’s Clarkson

Kendrick Lamarshmallows

Kenny Cane Shepherd

Kenney Lager

Kenny Noggins Kenny Rogers Roasters

Kenny Wayne Shepard’s Pie

Kenny Yule LOGgins

Kentucky Bourbon Headhunters

Keystone Temple Pilots

KFC + C Music Factory

KFC and the Moonshine Band

Kid 'n Yoplait

Kid Rockefeller Oysters Kid Rocky Road

Kid Rolling Rock

Kids in the Alcohol

Kieth Richards Red

Kimchi Mitchell

Kim Con Carne

Kim Corns

Kim Mitcher’s

Kim Wild Salmon

Kim Wilde Turkey

Kinder Bueno Vista Social Club

Kinderella Surprise

King Canned Heat

King Creamson

Kings of Boullion Kip chicken Winger

KitKat Stevens



Kokaneena Simone

Kolschplay Kool-Aid and the Gang

Kool Moe Deep Dish

Kool Moe Key Lime Pie

Kool Moe Pea

Kool Moe Sunny D

Kool Moe Tea

Korn Chips Korn Chowder Kornbeef


Korn on the Cob

Kraft Punk

Kurtis Blow Pop


L7 Layer Dip

L.A Buns Labatt's Blue Oyster Cult

Labatt Blur

Labatt 50 Cent

Labatt Street Boys

Lady Fingers Eleven

Lady Gala Lady Häagen-Dazs?


Lamb Roberts Band


Lamby Davis Jr

Lamby Hagar

Lana Delissio Rey

Lana Tacos del Rey

Lana ZinfanDel Rey

LaSoySauce Jackson

Laura All Branigan

Lauren Mission Hill

Lean Cuisine Martin

Lean Cuisine Day

Led Zefir

Led Zeppelimburger cheese

Led Zeppelinguine

Leek Aaron

Lemonadey Gaga

Lemongrass Tiger Lemon Meringue Heads Lemoneers

Lenny Kravitamin Water Lenny KravRitz cracker Lentil Ritchie

Leonard CoHennessy Leonard Ice Cream Cohen

Lettuce Knight and the Pips


Lil' Kimchi

Lil Subwayne Limp Biscuit Limp Bisque Limp Bisquick

Limp Bizkits & gravy

Limp Brisket

Limp Triscuit

Linda Patronstadt

Linda Prawnstadt

Lindor Ronstadt

Lindsay Sweet and Lohan


Linken Bark

Linkin Parkay

Linkin Pork

Linkin Sparkling White Wine

Link Wray and the Ramen

Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jambalaya Lisa Lisa and the Cult Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich

Lisa Lisa and the Cult Spam

Lisa Michelob Ultra

Little Subwayne Liverboy Living Collard Greens

Living Coolers LL Cool Ranch LL Cool Whip LL Kool -Aid

Lolly Parton

London Foghat London Roasted Beet

Long Island Spiced Tea Girls

Loretta Linguine

Los Pogos

Los Provalonely Boys

Lou Begal

Louis ArmStrong Cheddar Louie Primavera

Lou Mead

Low Fidelity ALE Stars LoverSoy Luciano Panzerotti

Luciano PavaRoti

Luciano Pavarotisserie Chicken

LudaCrispix Ludacrispy wings LudaKrispy Kreme


Lynyrd SkynCurd

Lynyrd Potato Skyn-yrd

Lynyrd SkyNerds



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