Seeking to #BePartOfTheSolution as Canada's 'Top Doc' Dr Theresa Tam advocates, I've created the following set of #SafeSeptember principles, without which I don't see how we can possibly provide a safe learning environment for Canada's children. I hope they may be of use & welcome serious feedback/input from all.
SAFE SEPTEMBER PRINCIPLE 1: No classroom shall contain more students than can be safely socially distanced. I don't see how this can be refuted by anyone, anywhere from a health, safety, epidemiological or virological perspective.
SAFE SEPTEMBER PRINCIPLE 2: Less planning/precautions now = more likely the school year ENDS in November, October or even late September. For those thinking #TheEconomy is the prime concern, this'll be *much* costlier than getting it right the first time
SAFE SEPTEMBER PRINCIPLE 3: Teachers teach, cleaners clean. Teachers'll have enough extra tasks/stress just running a classroom during a pandemic. Every school must have onsite what additional covid-trained support staff are required to ensure a safe learning environment
SAFE SEPTEMBER PRINCIPLE 4: Any parent or family member willing to homeschool their children in conjunction with the local school program gets ongoing CERB payments or a #BasicIncome until such time as the threat has passed or the children come of age to teach themselves.
SAFE SEPTEMBER PRINCIPLE 5: If you're too young to wear a mask you're too young to go to school. I know. It's the toughest of the bunch but I don't see a way around it or anything resembling a solution yet. How can we live with protecting our youngest the least during a pandemic?

SAFE SEPTEMBER PRINCIPLE 6: If a "Safe September" means opening in October or November then so be it. We will not be gambling with the lives of our children, our families or our teachers over an arbitrary start-date based on pre-Covid business-as-usual.

SAFE SEPTEMBER PRINCIPLE 7: Given our new understanding of the enhanced Covid virus transferability within enclosed spaces no classroom will be opened without adequate ventilation & clean airflow precautions to ensure a safe learning environment.
All for now. I understand Principle 5 is particularly difficult and would love to see ideas/solutions that help the parents of our youngest and most vulnerable students. In addition if I'm missing anything feel free to make a suggestion. Let's get this right.
OUTREACH 1: Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr Theresa Tam
OUTREACH 2: Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr Deena Hinshaw