A Canadian eye view of the most BROKEN & DANGEROUS election in American history

Sept 30, 2020: 33 Days Until Election 2020
Trump's goal for the debate was to derail it, render it useless. Not much Biden could do & I don't think any of us are interested in watching another of these things so to that degree he was successful but did it move even a small number of voters towards Trump? Nope.
Trump's goal for the debate was to derail it, render it useless. Not much Biden could do & I don't think any of us are interested in watching another of these things so to that degree he was successful but did it move even a small number of voters towards Trump? How many more did it galvanize against him? To make sure they go out & vote against that awful man, perhaps even regardless of what their politics actually are, just to finally shut that awful mouth up once & for all?
That said there hasn't been an honest election in America since at least 2000 given the morally void "Conservatives" own the voting machines, 2016 was the most ripped off election in American presidential history & they've done literally nothing to prevent this one from being even worse.
I can't imagine any value coming from further Presidential debates this year but unless "the moderator" brings an airhorn he or she can do nothing but utterly fail exactly as Chris WhatsHisNuts did. Who'd've ever thought you'd one day feel sorry for a Fox News anchor?
Anybody blaming Biden or the Democrats (who, believe me, I have my issues with) for last night's debate doesn't understand what Trump went out to do. One person came to debate & the other to burn the stage to the ground. What exactly would Bernie (or anybody else for that matter) have done in the face of that? Not much.

Craziest (and scariest) part of it is Trump changed the topic away from his tax fraud (which is indefensible) and his Covid response (which is the worst in the world and has killed over 200,000 Americans). Changing the topic every single day to something new and worse is actually not a small part of how he got elected in the first place.
October 1, 2020: 32 Days Until Election 2020
Ask not for whom the 2020 bell tolls. It tolls for thee, Mr President

If both President Donald Trump & Vice President Pence become unfit to serve due to Covid, the rules of succession are that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, becomes President.
I got into a spot of trouble saying this back in March but I'm just going to go ahead & double-down in October. Had Trump died of Covid when I tweeted this how many tens of thousands of Americans would be alive today because of it?
October 2, 2020: 31 Days Until Election 2020
Having heard the news late last night I awoke from a dead sleep and burst out laughing. I'm not proud of that but I'm not ashamed of it either. It simply is and that's all there is to it.
2020 was the darkest of comedy timelines *before* Trump caught the very same enormously dangerous virus he once called a hoax and after sneering at Biden for not holding super-spreader events and mask-use generally. I may yet partake. I'm not made of stone.
The legal term for this would be Criminal Negligence. Unless of course somebody dies from it, which would make it Negligent Homicide.
What can't be denied by anybody anywhere is that *if* there is a single person on the entire planet that deserves to get the Coronavirus it's Trump. I don't care how good a person you are, you can't deny it. It's simply a fact the whole world knows.
"Does anybody else find it odd that no prominent [bicyclists] have had [lung cancer] but the list of [lifelong cigarette smokers] goes on and on?"

Joe Biden and his wife Dr Jill Biden have tested negative for the virus, which is significant as just 3 days ago they were in a debate hall with a non-zero number of "Conservatives" who were of course not wearings masks and a number of whom are now sick with the virus.
Trump headed to Walter Reed for several days of "working from the Presidential offices," meaning the official word from the Whitehouse on this so far is he has gone from asymptomatic to light symptoms to hospital-bound.

Launched a 7 day poll. Worth noting that for most of the day "Think he's lying" was the #1 choice. It's only very recently that "Burst out laughing" started to pull ahead. "Felt sorry for him" has never cracked 5%.
Meanwhile the Internet, as always, remains undefeated:

Dark, right? Ghoulish even. But you can't say it's not relevant. You just can't. I haven't the slightest clue where the line is anymore.