For the last 50 years across North America, "Conservative" governments made the already rich richer at the expense of everybody else. This is a feature, not a bug. If you live forever you'll never see a clearer example of this than the 2019 Kenney Government in Alberta.
The "Conservative" formula showers money upon the already rich, who pockets everything & for which cuts to everything else will have to be made, which in turn BREAKS everything else, all of which must get blamed on someone else. Sound familiar? If you live in Alberta IT BETTER

Pop quiz: who makes better political allies: the easily manipulated non-rich who probably aren't even paying attention? Or the absolute richest & most powerful people and organizations in your jurisdiction who are only too happy to reward you *very* handsomely for your services? It's not a tough question.
Will the already-rich take every cent of it? You bet they will!

Does it do even a single thing for the local economy or anybody else? Never. They don't even pretend anymore. Anything 'trickling down' on the rest of us as a result of this process I can assure you isn't money.
Having fully drenched the already rich in provincial largesse it now must be made up somewhere else. Kenney opted for anything not rich, oil or both. "Tighten your belts" is how politicians say "get ready to starve" knowing full well they themselves'll be eating better than ever

A feature (not a bug) of taking the axe to programs/services people like/need is that you can then turn around & use it as proof that 'government doesn't work.' People forget. You privatize it. Pass it off to your rich friend's rich company. Take a fee and in addition to your soul find something else you can sell off.
Once they've broken everything worth breaking the next step in the "Conservative" cycle is to simply get MAD AS HELL & blame somebody else for the mess. Albertans are uniquely predisposed to get mad & blame anybody but themselves for the obvious ramifications of our actions/voting decisions & are only too happy to turn it on whomever else we can.

Thus the Great Wheel turns forever. Each cycle rich folks get even richer. You and I get less infrastructure, healthcare, education & other critical services. By design. A feature not a bug. Alberta's Jason Kenney JUST DID IT AGAIN. They'll do it as long as you let them.

All for now and thanks for reading. If you feel like supporting the work I do on threads like this I can assure you it's *very* thirsty work & you can buy me a cold beverage of the adult nature through this here tip jar thinger and I thank you kindly:
And if you're interested in supporting the Gent on a more long term basis, large or small I can tell you I'll never give up trying to present the critical information in digestible chunks & fostering the necessary change. Projects inbound. My Patreon: