They knew what they were doing would kill a great number of people. They did it anyways. How is that not murder?

You know me. Never identified with "#ClimateAnxiety." *Anxiety* sounds like I'm sitting in my apartment fearfully chewing my fingernails. That's not me. What I am is FUCKING FURIOUS. 719 dead in BC & a whole town wiped from existence.
In America the legal position is that #CorporationsArePeople so what would you call a person who for 50 years has known his actions would culminate in mass death? Manslaughter doesn't cut it. Murder does. Mass murder.
The 2 elements of a crime is the commission of a guilty act, known as Actus Reus & the presence of a guilty mind, known as Mens Rea. For 50 years Exxon's been knowingly committing crimes against humanity. They sneeringly continue these crimes TO THIS DAY.
The connection that needs to be made at long last is that the Exxon Lobbyist reveal of this week & the 719 dead British Columbians aren't two different stories. IT'S THE SAME STORY. This murder mystery has no mystery. Just murder. 719 coldly calculated murders. The motive was money.

So #HeatWave2021 is the #ExxonHeatWave. The #BCWildfires are the #ExxonWildfires. The #ClimateEmergency is the #ExxonClimateEmergency. The 719 DEAD BRITISH COLUMBIANS were #KilledByExxon. If we don't find a way to #CancelExxon they will surely, knowingly, gleefully kill us all.

We better hurry up, it's only getting worse. Exxon's kindred spirit, Mexico's #Pemex found a way to light the ocean on fire. Far as I can tell they're trying to put the #OceanFire out by, wait for it, SPRAYING WATER ON IT. Real geniuses these oil bosses.
I'm often about a month ahead of the #Zeitgeist but I assure you the realization that Exxon just knowingly murdered 719 British Columbians will soon be commonplace. Political leaders should ask themselves how they'll fare when we start talking accomplices.
Fortunately there's a template for repercussions. Big Tobacco knew their product was killing people too: “Big Oil was engaged in exactly the same type of behaviour that the tobacco companies engaged in & were found liable for fraud on a massive scale.”
The only difference between what #BigTobacco had to pay out for their crimes & what it'll cost #BigOil is the sheer scope: cigarettes mainly just kill smokers. Climate comes for every living thing on the face of the planet & burns whole towns to the ground.
I look forward to & hereby call for a #ClassActionLawsuit against Exxon on behalf of the 719 British Columbians killed during last week's heat wave & the entire town of #LyttonBC. Exxon must be stopped or they will absolutely kill us all without a thought.
The End. For now.