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Welcome to Sucker Country

Writer's picture: The GentYYCThe GentYYC

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

From provincial & federal election results to our fledgling non-army of #MAGA-styled separatist bozos, this province is ripe for the plucking. When oil/gas & the Kenney-Cons are done with us they'll toss us over their shoulder like an empty beer can and blame whoever else they can for it, certain as the tides. Albertans can absolutely be counted on to fall for the whole thing hook, line and sinker. And that time? It’s coming sooner than you think.

Ominous but still manageable if you have the right leadership. Whoops!

Suckers. Albertans still mooing about Trudeau who's done nothing but invest in this province time & time again. But how could you know? You read nothing but memes posted by suckers for suckers. Can they trick you into blaming Trudeau for what’s coming next? Of course they can.

You've been had.

In Alberta, Canada gets to see what a disaster a Scheer government would have been. Kenney's first act as leader was to give enormous tax cuts to already wealthy oil companies that went on to lay off more Albertans anyways.

Nuts to you, Alberta!

That’s right. They pocketed the whole thing. Right in front of our very eyes. And now it’s all about cuts to our seniors, our kids and our schools, the same folks that always take the hit when Conservatives take power and splash the cash all over the already rich. Just guess how the vast bulk of our seniors voted in both the provincial and federal elections. Suckers. *Our* suckers. Us.

Thanks suckers!

Thanks, suckers!

While I’m here, how’s this for balls?

His name is Grant Fagerheim & his company is Whitecap Resources. He should be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail but as things stand you numbskulls will probably build him a statue

Kenney waited until after the federal election to announce cuts that will cripple this province. A voting majority of us'll be easily manipulated into blaming Trudeau for the pain they will inevitably feel from this because most of them, most of YOU, are suckers.

*NOW* it's time to tighten our belts!

It's been so easy to manipulate us already. Global tectonic shifts hit our oil-only economy? Blame the NDP (though the recession started before they took power) or blame Trudeau for hating *OUR* industry (even though he BOUGHT US A F**K*NG PIPELINE).

NARRATOR: He would get no credit for it.

Given how much money & time Trudeau has given Alberta (far more in his 4 years than Harper's 10) & response of Albertans to call him a traitor and LITERALLY CALL FOR HIS DEATH the thought coalesces that the only bigger fool in Canadian politics than we Albertans is Trudeau himself.

Rise of the Bozos

Trudeau's ongoing entirely feckless efforts to woo an Alberta that'll *never* be grateful or grownup reminds me a lot of Barack Obama reaching out time & time again to Republicans only to have his hand smacked down every time, a dichotomy that ended up defining his presidency. Obama’s big sin (other than being Black in the first place) was trying to bring Americans health care.

Awesome. Now do Trump.

If Trudeau knew what he was up against he wouldn't bother. Albertans aren't born with #UngratefulBabySyndrome. This is a learned behaviour based on an old saw media & politicians across our political divide pull out of the drawer EVERY TIME our economy gets rough.

Live footage of Alberta separatist non-patriot Brett Wilson

I watched both the NDP & Conservative parties service this lie during our last provincial election, that "Ottawa doesn't care about us" right after "Ottawa" had dropped buckets of cash here. Stoking anger for "Ottawa" is good politics, rested on a foundation of lies though it no doubt be.

Divide and conquer, baby.

If both sides of the political divide are stoking the same COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED anger at *Ottawa* how can you blame our poor media for running the word 'angry' in the same breath every time 'Alberta' is mentioned? Not like they have an agenda, right?

Nope. No agenda here.

[I suppose now's as good a time as any to remind my fellow Canadians that much of our national news is run by Post Media who is in turn run by Trumpist Americans who've been stacking the deck for a long time. They should be drummed out of this country once and for all]

Coast to coast, baby.

All that said, there's no denying Alberta has more than its share of easily manipulated bozos attracted to easy-sounding solutions to complex problems, the more reckless the better. Moo out #BuildThatPipeline or #MakeAmericaGreatAgain or #Wexit, either way you're still mooing.

Without even a hint of irony

Maybe it's just always been that oil/gas towns votes for leaders that will facilitate oil/gas at the expense of all else in the hopes that all else works out in the end. How do such places fare versus the enormous unprecedented global change we now face? My guess is not good.

When you Google-search 'burning toilet', Google provides

Make no mistake (though you will): When Big Oil is done with Alberta they'll crumple us up like a beer can & toss us over their shoulder. Just ask Oshawa about GM. And they'll try their damnedest to skip out on the tab. To not understand that is to not understand Capitalism.

"Musta left my wallet in the car, I'll be right back!"

This Alberta Budget will hurt us NOW. The damage it does to this province in the medium to long term is incalculable. Kenny & the con-men'll point to Justin Trudeau and a single orange dot of NDP control & dump all the blame there. Suckers that we are, Albertans will swallow it whole.




Note 1: Bring it.

Note 2: Every Albertan has heard this one a 1000 times [and AGREED with it wholeheartedly] but we’re still *so* mad at Trudeau...


All for now and thanks for reading. If you feel like supporting the work I do on threads like this I can assure you it's *very* thirsty work & you can buy me a cold beverage of the adult nature through this here tip jar thinger and I thank you kindly:

And if you're interested in supporting the Gent on a more long term basis, large or small I can tell you I'll never give up trying to present the critical information in digestible chunks & fostering the necessary change. Projects inbound. My Patreon:


1 Comment

Oct 28, 2019

Bravo, Gent! I love your analysis of the political landscape here. I will save this in a vault for sharing later, when Facebook allows.

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