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You Vote for the SMOKE, You Vote for the FIRE

Writer's picture: The GentYYCThe GentYYC

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

Every time you smell that smoke never doubt for one second that if you vote "Conservative" you might as well have lit the fire yourself. It's on YOU. Nobody else. YOU. Repent. Quickly.

January 5, 2020

Rightwing "conservative" Australia is getting its lesson right now. The lesson comes for all of us. They used to say "there's no atheists in the foxholes". The new version is "there's no Denialists when you're in that f****ng boat."

Former Australian bozo Denialists that find themselves in that boat or on that burning beach have nothing to offer now but a shocked look on their dumb faces that their children will *never* forget. This more than anything else is the challenge we face going into the 2020s.

Every jurisdiction on the planet'll get hit like Australia. No jurisdiction can avoid catastrophic climate change. The question is whether you'll only start caring/acting when it's your turn. The question is about not only your morals but also your intelligence.

Month OR SO before THE ENTIRE CONTINENT OF AUSTRALIA went up in flames, it was USA/California. In both jurisdictions (perhaps *all* jurisdictions) there's a right-wing (in America's case the same geniuses propping up Donald Trump) hard at work holding back impactful Climate Action.

Canada's become accustomed to a new, bigger, record-breaking BC Wildfire every year or so. Northern Alberta is due another FortMac Fire Catastrophe sooner than later. We'll keep getting the lesson til we learn it. Even then the Climate Crisis doesn't stop on a dime. Far from it.

Australia is ranked 57th out of 57 countries on climate-change action. Alberta is by far Canada's highest CO2 emitters & also (coincidentally or not, depending on your worldview) home to 7 of the 10 costliest climate disasters in the country's history.

Like in Australia, America & probably every other jurisdiction on the planet, Canada has a hardworking Right Wing dead set against impactful Climate Action. Recall Alberta's Premier Kenney famously cancelling his anti Carbon Tax speech because there was just too much smoke.

Increasingly larger/destructive wildfires worldwide: inevitable. Equally inevitable: Denialist non-science bozos from JUST THE ONE SIDE OF THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM making same zombie arguments about wildfires as they have for decades on the Climate Crisis.

The conversation has to be had: it's just one side of the political spectrum gaming out how best to not do a damned thing on this Climate Crisis unless/until their own jurisdiction gets hit. It's an EMPATHY deficiency, a defining trait of the right wing & it's literally killing us.

The world's Right Wing politicians making abysmal call after abysmal call on the Climate Crisis don't get and retain power on their own. Depending where you live it's likely around half the folks you engage with are keeping them in power & therefore enabling the Australia Fires etc.

Living in Alberta its overwhelmingly likely that any random person you engage with voted TWICE last year to empower government & policies of total impotence on the #ClimateCrisis that enable steadily worsening disasters like Australia Fires.

At some point all of us have to put on our bigboy/girl pants and own what's ours in this Climate Crisis: WHEN YOU PROMOTE THE RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY YOU PROMOTE THE SMOKE & YOU PROMOTE THE FIRE. It's nobody else. It's YOU. MAKE BETTER DECISIONS. DO IT TODAY.

No longer refutable: if you're Right Wing or always vote "Conservative" or call yourself a MAGA this or a Tea Party that, YOU'RE TO BLAME & it does no good pussyfooting around it. Change your reckless ways. Don't wait until it's your turn in the boat. Do it for your kids.




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